Leave your Christmas jars on the sidewalk in front of the burned out furniture store between four and six PM on Christmas eve.
Many Families have a tradition of putting their loose change in a Christmas jar all year long. Before Christmas, they secretly put the jar on a strangers front porch.
This year,
Tallassee has 15 to 18 people that are out of work because of the fire. They sure could use your Christmas jar.
It is never to late in the year to start a Christmas jar, if you don't already have one.
You can start one today. Put a bow on it. Dump your coins in it every night. In the two weeks leading up to Christmas eve, you might have a dollar or ten in change in the jar. Not much, but, if we get 1,000 or more people in
Tallassee to leave jars for the fire victims it will make a big difference
Several Churches will be represented at the downtown fire site on Christmas eve. You are invited to leave your jar and
join in a Christmas carol or two at 4:00 PM.Be sure to tell all your friends.
Make sure the Christmas jar project is announced at every church service.Let's show the world how great
Tallassee is by having the biggest turnout ever at 4:00 pm on
Christmas eve. Let's sing Silent Night at
4:00 _
edited to 4 but... see the comments below.
The Hotel walls are unstable, you can not drop off the jars at the hotel. The jars for both the Hotel, and Smarty Pants may be left on the sidewalk in front of where the furniture store was.