This year, Tallassee has 15 to 18 people that are out of work because of the fire. They sure could use your Christmas jar.
It is never to late in the year to start a Christmas jar, if you don't already have one.
You can start one today. Put a bow on it. Dump your coins in it every night. In the two weeks leading up to Christmas eve, you might have a dollar or ten in change in the jar. Not much, but, if we get 1,000 or more people in Tallassee to leave jars for the fire victims it will make a big difference
Several Churches will be represented at the downtown fire site on Christmas eve. You are invited to leave your jar and join in a Christmas carol or two at 4:00 PM.
Be sure to tell all your friends.
Make sure the Christmas jar project is announced at every church service.
Let's show the world how great Tallassee is by having the biggest turnout ever at 4:00 pm on Christmas eve. Let's sing Silent Night at 4:00 _ edited to 4 but... see the comments below.
Note: The Hotel walls are unstable, you can not drop off the jars at the hotel. The jars for both the Hotel, and Smarty Pants may be left on the sidewalk in front of where the furniture store was.
What a great idea! Thanks for spreading the message of the movement and the book, Christmas Jars.
ReplyDeleteI got this email from Heather:
I saw the article on Tallassee Times TV about the Christmas Jar program and the singing Christmas Eve Down town. Who is sponsoring this? Glen and I would like more info for our church?
Well, I don't know about "sponsoring" this project, but....
I guess I started this project.
All the details I have are here: http://tallasseetimes.blogspot.com/2009/12/tallassee-christmas-jar-project.html
This started with an idea brought up in Chat on the Tallassee Times Live TV web cam.
I called a few churches, and others up there in Tallassee talked to a few of their ministers too.
The main Idea is to pass the word to as many people as possible.
Dump all your loose pocket change in a jar between now and Christmas eve. Drop the jar off at the fire site on Christmas eve before 6 pm on Christmas eve.
I'd like to set a target time of about 4 pm for people to show up to drop off their jars and perhaps join together in a Christmas song. That way, it would be more than just a lot of people donating a little loose change. Instead, it would be a coming together of the community to show everyone how the community can come together and help the victims of the fire.
Because different churches have services at different times. 4:00 pm might not be practical for everyone, it is just a target. It would be nice if each church could get a few members and their music director to be there at a specific time, if not 4:00, then perhaps on the hour or half hour between 3;00 and 5:00. If several churches show up at the same time, perhaps they should be prepared to sing "Silent Night"
I'm not asking any church to spend much time there, just long enough to lead the community in one song, however, if members want to linger a while longer and sing carols, I bet the community would love to join in. I'll leave it up to each church to organize any extra activities and schedules if they desire. Four PM on Christmas eve is just my suggestion for the community to arrive with their jars and perhaps say a prayer or join others in a Christmas carol.
I should mention that, although I have visited Tallassee more than a hundred times in the last 15 years, and, I operate the web cam at WTLS, I live in Florida now. I can not be there personally. My family and a few of my friends down here will have to mail our jars, but our prayers will be with you all.
Love, prayers and best wishes to all my friends in Tallassee. May y'all have the most joyous Christmas ever.
Bob Grosh and family, Tallahassee Florida